30th Dojo Anniversary @ Announcment: Posener's MMA Vancouver

MMA Vancouver

30th Dojo Anniversary @ Announcment: Posener’s MMA Vancouver

     Since commencing my mixed martial arts practice 40 years ago and now having operated a mixed martial arts dojo for over 30 years, it is time for a move and a change.

I have been blessed with great instructors and a passion for mixed martial arts and the life changing and significant benefits the arts can provide. I have taught at 3 locations to date starting full time in 1989. My current location was built to specs and contracted by one of my students about 24 years ago, which was a great opportunity for growth and we have done great here. However, I have had an opportunity to sell the building and that sale comes to completion on September 1 ’20. This move has been in the works for a couple of years. Our 4th location will be Budo Mixed Martial Arts on Kingsway, which is a 6 minute drive according to Google, from our current location.

I have approached a few local BJJ schools regarding a mutually beneficial relationship and Scott Boudreau of Budo Mixed Martial Arts has been very welcoming and we are both excited to move forward in our MMA journey. This is also beneficial for students who want to cross train in the Gi for BJJ and get benefits in their individual mma journey, which is coincidental with the change in our Gi program.

We will be running 4 programs at Budo: 1. Adult MMA 2. Muay Thai 3. Kids/Youth MMA and 4. Muay Thai Skills and Conditioning. All students memberships will transfer to the new location. I will be contacting all students via email, phone and social media in the coming days and weeks. If any student has a problem with the move, we will work something out, guaranteed. This move will facilitate our goals, personality and ability to provide significant benefits to those who want to train with us.

Our current instructor team will be moving with us, George Kassimatis, Costa Rojas, Gio Platon and more. My family and Dojo family have been tremendously supportive and excited for the change and opportunity for growth. I would like to thank everyone for their past and future involvement. This is a great opportunity and the timing is good. Let’s move forward together and I will be active now on numerous platforms to impart news and updates.

Simon Posener

Chief Instructor/Owner and staff

Posener’s MMA Vancouver

Schedule for September at Budo Mixed Martial Arts 3121 Kingsway St. 
***Modified to allow for Covid Cleaning after every class. 
Kids/Youth MMA 5- 6 pm
Muay Thai Skills and Conditioning 6:15 – 7:15 pm 
Adult MMA/No Gi 7:30 – 8:30 pm 
Muay Thai 7:15 – 8:15 pm
Kids/Youth MMA 5- 6 pm
Muay Thai Skills and Conditioning 6:15 – 7:15 pm 
Adult MMA 7:30 – 8:30  pm 
Muay Thai 7:15 – 8:15 pm
Kids/Youth MMA 10:30 -11:30 am  
Muay Thai Skills and Conditioning 11:45 – 12:45 pm
Adult MMA 1- 2 pm
Muay Thai 2:15 – 3:15 pm

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MMA Vancouver

MMA Vancouver

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MMA Vancouver

MMA Vancouver