Oguzhan wins 1st Rnd sub, Gio loses dec. Posener’s MMA Vancouver
Oguzhan wins 1st round guillotine Dec 3 ’21. Posener’s MMA Vancouver
On December 3 ’21 Oguzhan Yalcin wins by 1st round submission at around the 4 minute mark with a guillotine choke. BFL promoted the fight and it was aired on UFC Fight pass. The fight went to the ground almost immediately, as Oguzhan secured a single leg takedown. There was an arm triangle catch which Caleb defended and there was some good back and forth positioning battles prior the the guillotine catch and finish. We want to thank the opponent and team for coming and doing a good fight. Oguzhan has now won his professional mma debut and is looking forward to the next fight, training and learning skills that will help him in his journey in the cage and out of the cage.
On the same event Gio lost a majority decision to Austen for a top contender and title picture positioning, as they were rated #2 and #3 in the division. Gio lost 2 points in the 3rd round for illegal strikes to the head. Austen was more than a game opponent and we want to thank him and his team for coming to town and going for it. There were some challenges with Gio and a new nutritionist and making weight. We apologize to the other team and promoter for the miss.
Both fighters, Gio and Oguzhan, are keen on making improvements in skill, discipline and in training to help them reach their full potential on and off the mat. We look forward to the next event in February.
An event like this does provide a good teaching opportunity. As I always stress ‘equanimity of spirit’. Sometimes a win is a loss and a loss is a win, as a positive attitude is critical. We learn that there is emotional challenge with both outcomes and there is a need to focus on the prime motivation, which is to get experience and make progress regardless of outcome. With directing the mind in this fashion, challenge and pressure develops diamonds.
Here is a famous quote of Sun Tzu that can be considered. It is always good to gain knowledge of self and others. We can apply it in a positive way.
Sun Tzu quote for Posener’s MMA Vancouver
Sun Tzu said Know the enemy and know yourself in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.
Knowing yourself and others is good for cage fighting and life. Although the quote is open ended, we can derive a positive from it based on our previous knowledge. As Peter Urban would say, ” We will always practice and study”. As our Certificates state, ” In the future we expect you to continue diligent study to further your progress in martial arts”.
So, we employ some degree of equanimity and have some time at the table of success and then not to linger too long. As many personal development experts would say, it is good to be hungry and have passion, and if it is lacking, discipline can help out. That is good for everyone, certainly myself included.
I would also like to thank our awesome instructor team, other great supporting teams, friends and supporting family. We are happy to contribute. OSU!
Simon Posener
Chief Instructor/Owner